“Our play was a modern retelling of Romeo & Juliet anchored around a pressurized interracial relationship. In designing the love and infatuation between the characters, we needed a safe and skilled pair of hands. In coordinating the intimacy we really benefited from the delicacy and helpful dialogue Hannah brings to her work. The actors and production felt totally supported, honored and guided…”

Jason Chimonides, Director and Professor

“Working with Hannah was a key part of unlocking my creative process working with my actors in intimate scenes. She cultivated a shame-free space for us to explore play with sensuality and eroticism in a way that felt safe and consensual, but never lacked the spark that makes human sexuality so exciting. Her work speaks for itself in the final performance we that we achieved on screen.”

Wessley Steele, Writer & Director, “Kitty” 

“Thank you so much for your class. The whole program has been very helpful and I feel like I am ready to take on work.”

Gabrielle Eisenstadt-Hall, Intimacy Coordinator